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Advanced Technologies
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Advanced Technologies
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3601 din 3601 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2013
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Scrie o parere
Advanced Technologies Advanced Technologies 0215698534 Vaselor Nr. 60, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

tablete , telefoane mobile, mp3, accesorii

Tipul companiei

Importator - Distribuitor

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Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2013!
Advanced Technologies is a 100% Romanian owned & operated company and is one of Romania?s largest electronics and cell phones importers and distributors.

Advanced Technologies was founded in 1996, with the definite purpose of becoming an important player on the electronics and IT market in Romania, and then, on the later on emerging telecommunication market.

Our passion for electronics and telecommunication and our dedication to excellence have placed Advanced Technologies among the top players on the Romanian market, with a very dynamic business evolution.
The company started as a player on the IT retail and distribution market.

As the GSM technology provided an explosive new market, Advanced Technologies seized the tremendous opportunity for growth and became a major importer and distributor of mobile phones and accessories.

After years of mutually satisfying partnership, we were happy to respond to our GSM clients? need for a more varied range of electronic products, which led us to expend our range of products into a more diverse portfolio, including multiple brands and a large variety of electronic and telecommunication products.

In the year 2006, our company expended into the Advanced Group, a group of companies that included a chain of GSM shops all over the country, with Vodafone as the operator, a service for mobile phones, as well as an advertising agency for outdoor marketing.

In a later addition to the Advanced Group, in 2008, we started a US company in order to better respond to the needs of our external clients.

This company operates with foreign companies, as well as with Romanian suppliers, and it provides to major clients all over Europe.
Din Gura in Gura